Years of Making a Difference





Why Choose Dual Degree Program with Dalian Neusoft University of Information?

Our Dual Degree program aim to produce graduate with knowledge in the field of Digital Business and Ecommerce, strong in Entrepreneurial skill to compete in the digital era. This is a 2 + 2 program, where the study will be conducted by DNUI on the 3rd year (online) and 4th year onsite in DNUI campus.

ITB STIKOM Bali have the experienced in the higher education for over 22 years. Collaborating in courses of Digital Business and Ecommerce with DNUI as the TOP 1% private university in China. Founded by Neusoft a software company experienced in technology. DNUI is located in Dalian City, Liaoning Province in the North Eastern part of China.

A great benefit for the students to have the experience studying onsite in DNUI on their 4th year, meeting new friends from China and learning the local culture

After completing the course, students will be awarded two degrees in: Sarjana Bisnis (S.Bns) from ITB STIKOM Bali and Bachelor of Management (BM) from Dalian Neusoft University of Information.

How to Apply?

Internationally Recognized Degrees: Earn degrees from both DNUI University, Malaysia, and ITB STIKOM Bali, Indonesia.

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Our Curriculum

印尼巴厘省科技与商业学院 大连东软信息学院
课程代码 课程名称 印尼学分 Prequisite 课程代码 课程名称 中方学分
SI9105 Bahasa Inggris 1 4 SI9105 Bahasa Inggris 1 4
BIT108 Discrete Mathematics 4 SI213114 Matematika Diskrit 4
BIT102 Internet Concepts & Infrastructure 4 SI213104 E-Commerce 4
BIT101 Introduction to Information Technology 4 SI213119 Supply Chain Management 4
Total 16 Total 16
Semester 2
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
SI9106 Bahasa Inggris II 4 SI212504 Pendidikan Bahasa Asing II 4
BIT103 Introduction to Database Systems 4 SI213503 Basis Data 2
SI213202 Praktikum Basis Data 1
BIT100 Introduction to Programming 4 SI213501 Algoritma dan Struktur Data 4
BIT107 Introduction to Data Communications 4 SI213505 Jaringan Komputer 2
SI213203 Praktikum Jaringan Komputer 1
Total 16 Total 16
Short Semester
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
SI0102 Pancasila 2 SI211103 Pendidikan Pancasila 2
SI0101 Pendidikan Agama 2 SI211101 Pendidikan Agama 2
BIT200 IT and Entrepreneurship 4 SI212501 Kewirausahaan 2
SI212508 Technopreneurship 2
Total 8 Total 8
Semester 3
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
BIT110 Introduction to Operating Systems 4 SI213117 Sistem Operasi 2
SI213103 Dasar Infrastruktur Teknologi 2
BIT106 Programming in Java I 4 SI213301 Pemrograman Berorientasi Obyek 4
BIT201 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design 4 SI213502 Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem 4
MPU3223 Leadership and Life Skills 3 SI213109 Manajemen & Organisasi 2
SI212506 Pendidikan Etika dan Anti Korupsi 2
Total 15 Total 16
Semester 4
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
SI0104 Bahasa Indonesia 2 SI211501 Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia 2
BIT206 User Experience Design 4 SI213509 User Experience 2
BIT203 Programming in Java II 4 SI214106 Image Processing 4
BIT205 Object-Oriented Programming in C++ 4 SI214303 Mobile Programming 4
Total 14 Total 12
Short Semester
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
BGM101 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS 4 SI214301 Animasi dan Pemodelan 3D 4
SI0103 Kewarganegaraan 2 SI211102 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2
SI9263 Audio Video Editing 4 SI214103 Data Visualization 4
Total 10 Total 10
Semester 5
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
CSW202 Web Page Publishing 3 SI213302 Pemrograman Web 4
BIT204 Computer Systems and Networks 4 Introduction to Data Communication (BIT 107) SI213102 Cloud Computing 2
SI213106 Information System Security 2
BIT208 Data Structures and Algorithms 4 Introduction to Programming in Java (BIT 106) SI213107 Kecerdasan Bisnis 4
BIT301 IT Project Management 4 SI213506 Project Management 4
Total 15 Total 16
Semester 6
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
SI0211 Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem 4 SI213101 Audit Sistem Informasi 4
MPU3373 A* Gen Career In Malaysia & Beyond 3 SI214101 Advertising dan Sosial Media 4
BIT216 Software Engineering Principles 4 SI213116 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak 4
BIT303 IT Management, Ethics & Security 4 SI214107 IT Government 2
SI212201 Seni dan Budaya 2
Total 15 Total 16
Short Semester
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
SI213113 Marketing Communication 4 SI214501 Teknologi Manajemen Proyek 4
BIT320 Industrial Internship 6 SI213110 Manajemen Bisnis 2
SI213115 Perencanaan Strategis TI 2
SI213112 Manajemen Layanan TI 2
Total 10 Total 10
Semester 7
Code Subject Credit Prequisite Code Subject SKS
BIT304 Final Year Project I 6 SI213507 Proposal Tugas Akhir 2
SI213105 Enterprise Architecture 2
All Year 1 & 2 Subjects must be passed SI212502 Metodologi Penulisan Ilmiah 2
BIT310 Business Development Project 5 SI213508 Rintisan Bisnis Digital 4
BIT306 WEB TECHNOLOGIES 4 SI214108 Keamanan Siber 4
CSW201 Digital Photography and Imaging 4 SI214304 Realitas Virtual dan Augmentasi 4
Total 19 Total 20